Virtual reality game for mobile devices that makes the player assume the role of a rescuer in a case of cardiac arrest. The player is presented with several possible actions, and the order in which they are performed and their reaction time will influence the success of the process.This game Socorro: Cardiac Arrest!!! is the product of two dissertations from the Professional Masters Course in Nursing at UNISINOS, under the guidance of prof. Dr. Rosane Mortari CiconetVersion I:Game for layman training in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: Prototyping and content validation, authored by Marivoni Teixeira Bossle.Version II:Validation and final production with lay audience: virtual reality version of the game Socorro: Cardiac Arrest!!! authored by Carolinne Vargas Attademo.Elaborated in partnership with the game development studio of Graduation Technologies Digital of Unisinos Atomic Rocket Entertainment.How to play?Do you know what to do when faced with someone having a sudden meltdown in an environment like a store inside a mall?In the game, youll have to make the most coherent choices to help someone whos feeling sick, and in the end, youll find out if your actions were properly correct.What do we need to play version II?To play version II in virtual reality you need:Web version: internet access and game link: version with Virtual Reality: Virtual reality glasses (cerdboard style), cell phone with Android operating system and gyroscope. Download the game from Google Play at version without Virtual Reality: cell phone with Android operating system and gyroscope. Download the game from Google Play at game!